What is Good for Desktop Web Programs and Bad for Mobile Ones?

Variety of computers is amazing nowadays. Only few years ago we could hardly imagine that almost everyone will have at least 2 computers: a desktop device and a smartphone or a tablet.

Fast advancing of information technology provided us with plenty of smart devices and user friendly software products.

But when one begins to explore the subject, it turns out that a lot of defects are found in software not only during mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing. End users also often face software bugs, especially in mobile web applications.

Mobile software developers and a software testing company claim that many problems relate to design and layout of the programs.


Web technology was primary used for desktop software, and many of its features are oriented on personal computers with large screens.

2 Aspects That are Customary for Desktop Web Applications and Unsuitable for Mobile Web Software:

  • Web-designers often create objects of fixed width by means of CSS or HTML. These elements help to optimize web software on personal computers. But such objects are unsuitable for mobile devices and make mobile web application inconvenient on some smartphones or tablets.
  • Ordinary web page often focuses on several things and has a complex structure. Screens of mobile devices are too small for that. Mobile software experts recommend that mobile web program should have one focus and be simple.

A software testing company advises its clients to avoid these elements constructing of mobile web application. Manual and automated testing of mobile web programs demonstrate that mobile web programs without objects of fixed size and with simple design are better than complex ones.