What Elements of a Web Site Should be Compulsory Adapted for its Mobile Version?

At present we witness onrush of mobile technology. Owners of the majority of web sites have decided to create a mobile version of their software because of it.

Mobile version of a web site makes buying of the products and services more convenient. The users are able to work with a mobile web site not only at an office or home, but anywhere in the streets, while traveling and so on.

Experts in quality assurance and mobile application testing, desktop testing, web site testing remind that a lot of aspects must be considered during creation of a mobile version. Otherwise a software testing company will find too many defects, and significant expenses will be needed to fix them, or, in the worst case, the end users will face the defects.


Things That Should be Adjusted to Mobile Technology Are:

  • clickable hyperlinks;
  • clickable images;
  • size of objects on the screens;
  • layout of the objects on the screens;
  • animation that is activated by mouse;
  • fields that must be filled by the user.

Manual and automated testing shows that if the code is not properly adapted for mobile technology, it is hard to interact with the application on a smartphone or tablet. Some operations or functions may be inoperable. That is why it is wise to perform careful mobile testing of a web site before delivering it to the end-users.