Mobile apps through the prism of testing

The complexity of modern mobile applications requires thorough and detailed testing. QA team executes test cases that are designed to verify the product functionality and behavior under specific conditions.

Tester focus on different types of network connectivity. Specialists launch an app in particular modes - offline, flight, etc. - as well as in diverse network types - Wi-Fi, GMS, GPRS, etc. Also, the network speed and user’s location is taken into account.

Test cases includes physical characteristics of mobile devices as they influence the proper work of mobile software. QA specialists review screen size and extensions, touch and gesture capabilities, camera characteristics, screen modes, etc., as are important for positive user experience.

Location-based applications and those that are integrated with GPS require the simulation of moving. Such solutions can be designed to track distance or monitor location. The proper realization of location-based mobile software is based on checking different ways of GPS implementation and efficient simulation of various locations.

The creation of every software product is user-oriented and user experience testing is its inevitable part. The level of UX defines product success. The test team checks whether the app is easy-to-use and intuitively clear. Usability test cases cover the app navigation, procedures of login and logout, layouts and other aspects of user interface.

If a mobile app is user-friendly but has poor functionality and contains numerous bugs, then users will prefer to utilize the product of your competitor. The aim of functional testing is to validate system features and capacities.

What does functional tests check?

  • The team verifies the core functionalities of the system under test: main paths, input parameters, data lifecycle, etc.
  • The installation and deinstallation procedure is tested.
  • QA checks the app behavior in case of any interruption: incoming call, notification, alarm.
  • The interoperability capacity is also tested. App should properly interact with the most common embedded software - image view, video and music player and so on.

Mobile testing is executed in order to examine the architecture of mobile system and ensure that it meets all specified requirements and operates in a proper way.