How Much Less is Performance Capacity of Mobile Devices Than That of Personal Computers?

A lot of software products for mobile devices and personal computers are available on the market now. Many applications have two versions: for personal computers, and smartphones and tablets.

Mobile programs are rapidly advancing during the last few years. They are convenient and amusing. They involve various sensors in interaction with the user. This feature provides rich user experience and is uncharacteristic to desktop software products.

But in spite of numerous advantages, mobile programs are mostly not as well constructed, as desktop systems are, and contain numerous errors. Many errors relate to performance. Results of mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing frequently prove this fact.

A software testing company can confirm that most of mobile software bugs appear because the developers do not consider performance capacity of mobile devices.


It is known than smartphones and tablets are less powerful than personal computers and laptops are. But few people realize, even among those, who develop software or perform manual and automated testing, how big the difference is.

According to the researches, even the latest smartphone is many times slower that a laptop or personal computer.

One of the Researches Showed That:

  • the latest iOS phone was 6 times slower than a personal computer;
  • the best Android phone was 10 times slower than a personal computer;
  • some mobile devices worked thousands of times slower than a personal computer.

One should keep in mind this fact constructing mobile software products or executing mobile testing.