4 April 2016
Automated testing is one of the best variants of the quick checking of the system state. Besides this, this kind of checking also helps significantly reduce the expenditures on the product development as a whole.
Nevertheless, software testing company may feel all disadvantages of the automation principle during the system checking. Sometimes exactly manual testing will be more effective and sufficient.
When Is It Better not to Apply an Automation Principle?
- During user interface checking. Much time and effort will be spent on such tests creation and checking. This approach is not rational. Moreover, functional testing mainly follows the automated module checking. The automation principle should be applied to user interface testing only when there are no any other variants.
- Automation requires the usage of only license testing tools. The commercial tools have many limitations, and auto tests, written with their using, may be rather “fragile” and unreliable. There are many available tools which may significantly simplify the automation process.
- One should not launch the auto tests manually. In this case, there is a high probability that the tests will not be started according to the specified schedule. The long system integration may solve this problem.
- In the case of failure, the client’s trust in automation deteriorates. Frequently, this ends with the reduction of the budget for automation. In order to avoid such outcome, the team should fix and recheck the tests which lead to failure and not to perform the whole checking once more time manually.
Software product testing will be productive and qualitative only in the case of correct and in time automation principle application.