5 Main Functional Aspects of Web Software Products

Functional testing usually takes the majority of time of any mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing. Proper implementation of the application functionality is the main concern of all the project members.

Various software products serve different purposes and possess different functionality. 

Functional Testing of Web Software Must Include Verification Of:

  1. Links. One should make sure that all the links open and lead to the required pages.
  2. Fields. In order to interact with a web application the users have to fill in some fields. It is important to check how the program processes valid data, invalid data, boundary values, data in a wrong format, different symbols, etc. The program should not hang or crash, an appropriate error message should be displayed.
  3. Cookies. It is important to check how the application writes, uses and deletes cookies from the users’ devices. Cookies should be secure, do not contain sensitive information or store it in an encrypted form. Cookies related issues are check in course of  security testing as well.
  4. HTML and CSS. One should make sure that there are no errors in Meta tags, structure, and syntax of the web software and search engines can crawl through it.
  5. Databases. Various operations with data such as data saving, editing, updating should run according to the specification. The data should be uncorrupted and safe. Load testing is also necessary to perform in order to check how the operations work under the loads.