Become Our Quality Partner

Monetize your business network while ensuring impeccable QA coverage for your partners and your own software


Collaborate with an Experienced QA Partner


years of experience in QA


QA engineers in different parts of the world


successful testing projects completed


years of teaching QA in our Training Center

Models of Partnership: Creating Value Together

Our vision of business partnership constitutes the following models:

Referral Partnership
with Bonus Savings

As our partner, you get a 10% bonus for three months.

The client you refer gets a 10% discount on our services for three months of our collaboration.

  • Building trust and strengthening your professional network.
  • You receive bonuses for introducing us to a potential client (s).
  • No risks or losses for your company.
  • We take care of communication and client support.
Exclusive Partner Advantage

Under this partnership model, you receive a bonus for six months of our collaboration with the referred client.

  • We offer our expertise and potential partnership opportunities to the client you refer.
  • You receive bonuses for introducing us to a potential client (s).
  • No risks or losses for your company.
  • You enhance your professional network with minimal time and no cost required.
White Label Collaboration

We provide our high-quality QA services to your clients under your brand.

  • By leveraging our complementary services, you expand your service portfolio, offering clients a comprehensive and all-encompassing experience.
  • Our QA engineers working under your brand enhance your reputation by adding specialized expertise to your service lineup.
  • You integrate a whole range of QA services into your business model without the need to recruit and develop new specialists.
  • You maintain focus on your core competencies while leveraging our expertise and resources.

How the first two approaches work



You introduce QATestLab to your friends, colleagues, or partners via email, LinkedIn or any other form of communication, and ask them to mention your name when they contact us.



We cover all communications with your partner while you stay in the copy of all our emails.



We launch collaboration with the business you referred us to


Benefit for you

After launching the collaboration, you receive a 10% commission.

QATestLab Service Package Includes But is Not Limited to:

icon manual testing

Manual testing

Checking software or programs for errors, defects, and vulnerabilities. Ensuring the software satisfies all customer requirements.
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icon test automation

Test automation

Our Automated testing approaches empower businesses by ensuring precision through rapid, seamless, automated test suites.
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icon test documentation

Test documentation

Setting detailed testing documentation for the enhanced development process. Avoiding risks of losing product knowledge.
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icon quality assurance

Quality Assurance

Independent quality evaluation, industry-specific testing. Applying new QA approaches and methodologies.
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icon managed testing

Managed Testing

Organization and management of all the testing processes. Reduction of potential risks, expenses, and downtime.
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icon independent testing

Independent Testing

Expert QA services based on our 20 years of experience in independent testing.
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Industries We Work With

Here are the industries in which we conduct testing services.  Haven’t found your field in the list? Leave us a message, and we will tailor a solution for you.

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Interested in partnering? Let's talk

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Companies That Trust Us

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is that for?
What do I need to launch a partnership with you?
What benefits do I receive from this partnership?
How many clients can I refer to you?