Software verification activities test the conformance of a software system to its specifications.
In conducting verification activities software testers undertake that they have a extensionally defined set of specifications.
A deflection from the specification is either a fault or a failure. It depends on if the behavior is clarified or other software related entities are specific, such as coding standards, design templates and so on.
When failures are involved in verification activities, we are commonly operating with internal system failures and general system failures in the form of wrong behavior, instead of the evidence of presence or absence of certain functions straightforwardly noticeable by clients. For instance, testing how one element operates with another element is a verification activity, because it attempts to remove internal failures related to interoperability among internal elements, while clients just worry if the general functions are executed and executed properly.
When a function or feature anticipated by clients exists, the activity to define whether it conducts or behaves expectedly is then a verification activity.
Consequently connected to validation activities, there are almost always accompanying verification activities as well.
When software testers are checking non-behavioral specifications, non-conformance indicates the presence of faults or errors. For instance, an incorrect algorithm or a misplaced data structure is used, some coding standard is violated. Such troubles are generally coherent with different kinds of software faults.
These faults can be the reason of system failures. Similarly, not following prescribed processes or selected techniques, or misconception of required algorithms and data structures, is associated with software bugs or bug sources that cause infusion of faults. Consequently all the quality assurance activities classified as operating straightforwardly with faults, bugs, or bug sources can be classified as verification activities.