The most significant activity associated with bug handling is defect resolution, which guarantees that every identified software bug is fixed.
Every fixed software bug requires to be re-verified to guarantee failure-free implementations under the equal implementation conditions.
If it happens so that an identified bug is not fixed, all the parties should agree on the particular solutions and actions.
For instance, if a bug from software testing is later re-classified as not to be a bug, the solution agreed upon by the people who conducted the re-classification, software tester who reported it in the first place and other.
In the case if an error is delayed because it is thought-out to be a minor trouble that may be corrected in a future release, all people involved should agree to such decision, and proper planning for future actions is required.
The most significant activities to support defect resolution:
- Bug logging (initial reporting and recording of an identified software bug) guarantees that a record will be kept for each identified defect.
- Bug tracking observes and records what happened with every bug after its initial discovery until its final resolution.
Different particular info about the identified software bugs may be recorded and updated through the defect handling process.
In order to assure correct collection and usage of defect data you need to focus on:
- Timely bug reporting: defect dimensions are used to observe and control a software project, that’s why you should assure timely bug reporting to keep the information current.
- Consistent defect interpretation and tracking: you need to distinguish implementation failures, internal faults, and human mistakes. The specific troubles need to be counted and tracked.