ePortfolio is the leading Enterprise Electronic Portfolio (EEP) solution that opens up a world of possibilities for students and faculty. It provides a highly flexible, configurable and scalable environment that allows students, faculty, alumni and staff to store digital artifacts and share them in a secure way across (and even outside of) the institution.
GoFolio, the next wave in electronic portfolio management. GoFolio is a desktop/laptop application that is fully integrated with Folio by IMI and helps portfolio owners to manage, analyze, and archive their online lives while keeping items synchronized online and off.
The testing of the application for iOS-platforms was carried out within the project.
This advanced web application allows to organize intercommunication of students and colleges where they study, and it also helps students to share media content quickly and easily. The secure web-based platform is user-friendly for students and colleges.
The bilingual, mobile-first jobs marketplace that enables more than 74 million hourly workers in the United States to find and apply for jobs from any computer, tablet or phone.
Hourly workers use mobile devices as their primary connection point, but they can’t easily apply for jobs using their phones. Ninety percent of them prefer text messaging as their main communication mechanism, but they can’t apply using simple text messaging. Applications are in English when often the applicant speaks Spanish. Close to one billion man-hours are wasted in the United States every year in inefficient ways to match workers with jobs.