What Type of Leadership is Preferable in Software Testing?

It is known that not only deep knowledge and skills in software testing are necessary in order to execute web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing.

All the activities should be carefully planned and distributed among the team members.

There are 2 Common Types of Leadership and Responsibility Distribution:

  • all the processes are managed by one leader, the rest of the team are only the doers, they report to the leader and do not make any decisions, the leader coordinates their work;
  • the leadership and responsibilities are distributed among all the team members.

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Many experts in manual and automated testing believe that it is more preferable to distribute leadership and responsibilities rather than concentrate all the power in a single pair of hands. Such approach gives many advantages.

The Advantages of Distributed Leadership Are:

  • all the team members are more involved in the project;
  • the communication inside the team becomes better organized, team members better understand each other and the project;
  • test engineers feel themselves more confident and learn to make decisions.

If some managers prefer to control all the process by themselves anyway, it is wise at least to allow the testers to plan and control their own work.

To successfully manage mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing one should know how to follow, not only lead people.