To run PHP files on Apache, the mod_php module should be available on the server. It is a module that allows Apache to interpret the files with .php extension.
The module contains certain controllers which perform interpretation of the PHP code into Apache and send HTML to the web server. If the mod_php module is not available on the server, then the file’s name will be php.conf.
What Are PHP Controllers in Apache?
- mod_php
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
- FastCGI - a binary protocol for interaction of programs with a web server
- suPHP - a tool for running PHP scripts
<>Due to the mod_php controller PHP becomes the part of Apache but it does not cause any external PHP processes. It is a default module in all Linux repository builds.
If FastCGI is applied as the PHP controller, then one may install diverse PHP versions which will be utilized by different accounts on the server.
Installation Steps of mod_php on the Server:
cd /tmp
wget http://www.modruby.net/archive/mod_ruby-1.2.6.tar.gz
tar zxvf mod_ruby-1.2.6.tar.gz
cd mod_ruby-1.2.6/
./configure.rb --with-apr-includes=/usr/include/apr-1
make install
The web checking specialists should be familiar with these processes (installation testing, functional checking, configuration testing, load control, compatibility testing, host checking, multi-platform testing, stress checking, system testing).