Sometimes software testing company faces the situation when the software products do not contain any severe bugs.
During such periods even the end users cannot find mistakes and mismatches in the product after production at all. This is the evidence that the testing strategy was effective and the product code was qualitatively written.
Therefore, conducting functional testing, security checking, system testing, performance control, load testing or other types of checking, a test team performed the work qualitatively even if the bugs were not detected.
But sometimes a tester may feel inconvenient because of the bug absence and his self-esteem may fall down a little. In this case, it is not worth despairing, everything can be easily worked out.
How not to Lose Temper if there Are no Bugs?
- A specialist may install online counter which will record the quantity of the days when a product operates without errors on the production. Such counter may be launched on the corporate website.
- The information submission about the executed test procedures in the form the test reports will be a good idea. Thus, an expert will be able to easily analyze the effectiveness of fulfilled work and share the results with the other team members.
- If a tester and developer worked together from the very beginning of the development process and this led to the product release without the failures and errors detection, then they should congratulate each other and discuss the further collaboration.
- A tester may try to discover bugs in that system area which has been already checked by his colleagues, executing manual or automated testing. One more testing would not go amiss.
If the end users did not detect the bugs in the product, then it is a colossal success for the test team. The specialists should be proud of it.