Quality analysis and quality review activities start immediately after the execution of chosen quality assurance activities has begun. Usually at the beginning of the engineering process, a small number of such operations are carried out in order to observe the changes of quality.
But they are not designed to be used for making principal management decisions such as product release. These activities escalate right before or during the product release and insensibly decrease after it.
In the general scheme the efforts for these activities match the efforts for the collective quality assurance activities but with heavy loads at the end and time delay. One general feature of the scheme is the time period after the release of product.
As a rule immediately after release of the software product, the first usage of it by clients is accompanied by numerous user-reported problems, which consist of legitimate faults and user errors. Therefore, there is usually an increase of quality assurance effort. New models and data can also lead to the increase of measurement and analysis activities.
The main reason for this increase is the difference between the environment in which the product was tested and the current operational environment in which the product is used.
The general scheme and structure must be maintained regardless of the engineering process used. For the waterfall process quality planning is inherent in the beginning, software testing is inherent during product release, measurement and quality assessment activities are inherent just before product release.
Quality assurance is spread out more evenly in incremental, spiral, iterative and extreme programming processes than in the waterfall process, although it has to increase insignificantly before product release.
Observation and analysis activities spread out evenly in programming processes are used to monitor and evaluate every part or increase with the help of cumulative modeling results used in product release decisions. There are also features and insignificant planning activities in quality planning, which also make the appropriate profiles less volatile.