Nowadays for the majority of software development companies quality assurance means cooperating with software bugs.
There are 3 basic ways to cooperate with defects:
- defect containment
- defect averting
- defect detection and removal
Different quality assurance methods may be used in a coordinated attempt to efficaciously and rationally cooperate with software bugs and guarantee of software quality.
During cooperating with bugs, different direct bug’s dimensions and other indirect quality dimensions might be taken, often forming a multi-dimensional measurement space referred to as quality profile.
These dimensions affect the necessity to be analyzed using different models to provide quality assessment and feedback to the software development process.
Quality engineering may be considered as defect management as well.
In addition to the accomplishment of the planned quality assurance activities, quality engineering also comprises:
- quality planning before specific quality assurance activities are performed
- dimension
- analysis
- feedback to observe and control the quality assurance activities
According to this most part of quality planning can be considered as evaluation and planning for expected software bugs.
Feedback is provided in terms of different software bugs related quality assessments and forecasts.