QA test engineer needs to know what his role is and what teamwork he should perform during the product development process. They also should understand what to expect from the other command members engaged in this process. In cases when actions of members of the same command meet your expectations of others, confidence in the command can be achieved. Only by setting realistic and clear expectations for both the receiving and supplying sides, you can meet these expectations in the full measure.
The command of software testers should be the part of inducting new developers, project managers, analysts, and other employees as they are largely involved in the processes and it must be constant communication to these new employees.
Many of these employees have not worked directly with the formal software testing process and have no idea what to expect from a group of testers. Such concepts as bug assignments, check-in may be unknown to them, so they should be explained to them in order to make sure that they know how to work in the team in the best possible way.
Such communication in a testing team is the only way to bring the command to succeed, as opposed to time spent on trying to understand how to do it. If the individual software tester isn’t sure what exactly expect from him, and what to expect from other participants in the software testing company, it is necessary to clarify these points.
In addition, to understand all these expectations is also your job. No one will give you a list at the beginning of the day with a plan of what to say, what to do and what to give to others. One of the duties of your work is to solve communication problems with your superiors and colleagues.