System checking of the software products can be performed in two ways: top-down (checking starts with the whole system) and bottom-up (firstly, the certain modules are checked). The choice of the strategy depends on the peculiarities of the system which is planned to test.
Executing module testing, the specialists perform validation of the separate minimal components of the product system. This may be units/modules or classes. If the system is multi-layer and rather complex in the terms of structure, then the test team uses special tools.
For example, conducting Android testing, the specialists may utilize the JUnit tool. This is an open-source framework for automating the unit system checking. JUnit is easily integrated with the Android operating system for creating as efficient JUnit tests, as the test cases for Android.
User interface testing - checking the application interface elements - is an addition to unit checking. The UI tests are launched in order to make sure that all interface components respond to the user’s actions in a proper way, in accordance with the current requirements.
What are the main elements of mobile applications interface?
- Buttons
- Menu
- Images
- Toolbars
- Dialogue windows, and so on.
The users tap the buttons, links, scroll down the page, use the zoom function, and etc. All these elements should not only operate correctly but also be displayed appropriately. Naturally, functional testing and performance testing play an important part in ensuring the high product quality, but one should not forget about interface checking and usability testing.
Fulfilling Android testing, the team may use such tools as Robotium and Instrumentation for checking UI.