Before preceed directly to the checking of the mobile application or program, the specialists of software testing company select the most appropriate methods and techniques of quality control.
It is of great importance to develop efficient testing strategy based on which the plan of checking process and necessary assistant documentation will be created. The testing strategies for each type of software products differ. Performing web application testing, the specialists focus on slightly other aspects, comparing with desktop program testing.
As for Android application testing and iOS-based products will also have their own peculiarities. There is no universal checking strategy for all types of software products. But still, there is a possibility to use the basic strategy which will serve as the main one for the oncoming testing.
As currently, the programs on Android OS are very popular, exactly basic test strategy for Android apps will be reviewed.
What is Android testing strategy?
- Module checking
- Integration testing
- Operation checking
- System testing
Running unit tests, the specialists check whether the minimal components of the system source code operate correctly. After completing the testing of separate units, the team proceeds to the integration tests fulfillment. In other words, checking the mutual work of the different application modules is executed.
Operation testing is checking the correctness and efficiency of application requirements. This checking type is also called functional or acceptance. The final stage - testing the whole product system under real-life conditions.