Performing software testing, website testing or mobile application testing, the specialists use tools which assist them in managing the checking process.
TestLink is one of such software helpers. This is a product with the open code which synchronizes the requirements specification and test specification. This test management tool was developed by Teamtest. PHP is the language of Testlink creation.
Due to TestLink, the specialists can create the test projects and document the test cases. Since it is a cross-platform system, only web browser will be necessary for its usage.
Executing, for instance, web application testing, the utilizer may create several accounts for different users and assign them the required tasks. Also, one may fulfil both automated testing and manual testing with the help of TestLink.
Indeed, the TestLink functionality is rather wide. Hence, for example, there is an opportunity to create the test plans and test reports of different formats, among which:
- Excel
- MS Word
Besides, TestLink may be integrated with other popular bug tracking systems:
- Jira
- Mantis
- Bugzilla
- Trac
- Redmine.
Among the TesLink advantages, one may also emphasize its ability to support various projects, simplicity of the test case export and import, filtration function of the test cases across the version, keywords, case ID.
In order to install and launch TestLink, the access to web service and database is required. This tool supports MySQL and PostgeSQL. Practice shows that the testing quality increases with the TestLink usage. However, this tool has its disadvantages among which there is usability. Sometimes it is rather hard to figure out all buttons and panels.