Mobile testing or any other type of checking presupposes the existence of the different approaches to the definition of certain terms. Many disagreements in the IT sphere are caused by the explication of the term “software product testing” itself.
There is no one universal definition of this concept. But all available interpretations have much in common. Generally, testing is a process of the specification and estimation of the developed product quality.
Whether it is website testing or desktop testing, the test process follows a certain goal – the control over the functional capabilities of the product and other its characteristics.
The levels of the testing maturity cause quite a bit difficulty. There are 5 such levels as a whole.
What Are the Levels of the Testing Maturity?
- Testing and debugging are practically the same processes. During software testing, the errors and crashes are accidently detected. An expert as if casually stumbles upon the bugs. Herewith, he does not perform special, earlier planned actions.
- The testing purpose is the demonstration that the developed product really operates. This principle is based on the assumption that software does not contain bugs and works in a proper way. In this case, there is no necessity for the creation of the complex and sophisticated test cases in order to detect the well-hidden bugs.
- Initially, the software product never functions correctly. And the software testing specialists should prove it. They should in maximum details test all aspects and the characteristics of the product. For this reason, the testers create various test cases.
- Software testing is not aimed to prove the correctness or incorrectness of the product work. The checking is focused on the reduction of the risk of the possible incorrect system activity. Besides this, a tester provides the development team with the results and data about code working.
Software QA involves not only code functionality but also the check of the product correspondence to the different types of technical requirements. Automated testing also refers to this level.