After the software testing company received the project and all necessary documents for checking, the tester starts his work. But many people mistakable think that it means only button clicks and system function testing.
Indeed, the testing process is not so easy, as it may seem at the first glance. In addition to the first observation of the various functions, every day a tester faces a great amount of data and its processing during the whole work process. The correct choice of data for testing one or another program can significantly simplify the task of software error detection.
There Are Several Types of Test Data:
- Performing any type of testing – mobile testing, website testing, or desktop testing, a tester makes a deal with test cases, i.e. the description of the system checking procedure. The testers often write the test cases, based on the approximate acquaintance with the basic function of the software.
- The data received from the developers. These data can be used in rare cases but there is still a necessity for them. Due to these data, it occurs the opportunity to execute the most effective tests.
- Real modified data – these data help to get rid of the special building of sometimes rather great massive of information. While using data like this the testing procedure approaches the practical conditions of the end-user behavior. Usability testing often requires the usage of such data.
- Real data to the full extent. Exactly due to the usage of these data, it becomes possible to discover the misunderstandings (“communication gap”) between the developers and client, as under their applying the mutual miscounts of these two sides frequently become obvious.
The conclusion is that software testing and, namely, each of its branches, cannot exist without test data, as they are used for software development, Internet-application, databased applications, program components using XML interfaces, and so on, and this means that every tester should learn how to correctly process and effectively apply such information.