An accurate, well though-out and overall strategy of the product quality checking is a necessity for each testing type – either it is mobile application testing, quality assurance of desktop applications or website testing.
The complexity of mobile software products requires from managers a detailed planning of the test environment and many other related checking aspects. But in order to cope with this task, several Google docs or excel files will be not enough.
Every software testing company does its best for the assurance of only qualitative product release as the company status and the following success will depend on this. Therefore, test management tools are often applied.
What Should Test Management Tools Be Applied For?
- A good tool will help to easily cope with the product requirements formulating, the necessary for the development and checking time estimation.
- On the basis of the specified requirements, the tool will allow a manager to plan and create tests.
- Exploratory testing will become much easier to execute with the managing tools usage as with their help a manager will easy cope with the test process planning for which there are no formulated requirements.
- A really good managing tool should also track and record time, spent on a certain test. Further, this will help to more accurately estimate expenditures for software testing.
- With the help of test management tools, a specialist will be able to connect the detected bugs with the appropriate requirements or tests. This will also help to define what scenarios and requirements should be changed.
- The tools should also cover various aspects of the performance testing management and user interface checking.
This list may be still continued if to talk exactly about every testing type. The main task of the testing management tools – to ensure simplicity of the processes planning and control over their execution.