There is a mistakable opinion that it is very easy to achieve success in the IT sphere, easy to earn big money and any initiative is worth its weight in gold.
Each young man sees himself as a super-cool developer or tester which is run after by all HRs in order to hunt such demanded specialist for their company.
But in most cases, these are just ridiculous fantasies of people who are not familiar with the reverse side of the coin of the IT sphere. Software testing company and system and application development company do their best in order to find smart employees who are ready to enhance and learn.
And it happens so that the specialist makes much effort with a hope of gaining the promotion or bonus, or something else, but his expectations towards the reward are not met. As a result, a person digs his own grave.
What Happens when the Expectations Are not Met?
- A specialist loses the motivation. He stops reading, going in for training or seminars, improving his practical skills. Automated testing, security control, load testing – nothing gives any pleasure.
- The quality and effectivity of the work decrease. Performing mobile testing, web application checking or game testing, the specialist may miss small and sometimes even severe bugs.
- An employee becomes passive, he stops generating new ideas and optimizing the processes.
In the end, a clever, proactive specialist becomes the burden for a team and the company as a whole. Why did it happen? In this situation, both sides are not right: the specialist assumed a position “I do my best and I am owed for this”, and the management just did not pay attention to the employees.
It is very important to demonstrate the employees that they are much appreciated and all their efforts will be not left unattended. Even small courtesies may give the colossal outputs.