4 March 2016
The key factor of the high effectiveness and quality is productive and well-organized communication between development and test team members, client, analysts, and etc.
Usability testing or functional testing would be impossible to qualitatively execute if the important information exchange was absent or was only a formality.
Exactly the Scrum master ensures all team members work as a whole unity. It is rather difficult to cope with the Scrum master’s responsibilities and it is much harder to be a really good project manager.
What Are the Characteristics of the Scrum Master?
- Be able to promote and maintain the productive work as the whole team, as each of its members.
- Be always ready to help to solve a difficult situation or give advice in order to prevent the potential challenges appearance.
- Be well acquainted with the principles and all details of the Scrum methodology. Share his knowledge and experience with the team members.
- Be able to rationally manage time and resources. May count the approximate time, needed for a certain task.
- Be a source of team encouragement, its ideal inspirer. Know how to motivate the team and how to direct the efforts towards the set task performance. Enhance the team spirit.
- The problem of excessive control – not about the good Scrum master. He is not a supervisor for the team.
Whether it is mobile testing, desktop testing, game testing, SEO testing, or website testing, all team leads, managers, or project managers should pay special attention to the above-mentioned characteristics.