Software testing requires at least formal tester’s acquaintance with such types of the remote communication as meetings, bug tracking tools, collective testing tools, online chats, conferences, and webinars.
But let consider the advantages of each of them in more details. The first item – meetings – they should be held at least twice a week for discussing the current issues and questions appearing during the working process. This type of connection is very important because due to it one can significantly reduce the time expenditures and prevent the operating errors.
The bug tracking systems and the collective testing tools – rather convenient way of communication. Mobile testing, website testing or desktop testing – the mentioned tools can be involved in any of these types of the quality assurance. Here the testers write (create) tickets and bug reports, and the developers explore each of them, ask questions or leave comments, accept or do not accept the report.
The webinars, online chats, and conferences are also of great use. Such types of testing as, e.g. manual testing or automated testing, really require communications like these, since during their execution there is a necessity of the permanent information exchanging and sometimes even the 24/7 support.
4 Advantages of the Remote Communication Types:
- Continual attention to the project;
- The reduction of the time expenditures;
- Awareness on all stages of the project development;
- Productivity and effectiveness.
Remote working requires the full devotion and the testers should be attentive not only to the testing process but to their communication skills too. The quality feedback maintains the productive work and the satisfaction of the client, as well as the performing company.