3 October 2016
Executing automated testing, the specialists’ team has an opportunity to choose a certain checking tool which is mostly suitable for the specified project. Currently, there is a whole range of the automation tools each of which possesses both advantages and disadvantages.
Frequently, software testing company gets to choose between Selenium and QTP. Without any doubt, both these tools promote more qualitative execution of the product checking. But what of them is still better? What possesses a bigger number of pluses?
What Are the Advantages of QTP Over Selenium?
- A team may use QTP, executing desktop application testing and website checking. Selenium is relevant only for web application testing.
- QTP is with the built-in repository, Selenium – not.
- The QTP automation speed is faster than Selenium due to the built-in IDE.
- Selenium does not provide an official users’ support in comparison with QTP.
- With the help of QTP, one may export the test data to various external formats. Selenium does not have such function.
- The test reports are automatically generated in QTP, Selenium does not have the test and bug report creation function available.
- QTP can manage the browser’s elements itself (for example, address bar, Back/Forward buttons, and so on). Selenium does not have an access to any element outside the web application under test.
Conducting web application testing, a team analyzes not only the above-mentioned peculiarities of the tools’ functional but also other factors among which are:
- price (Selenium is fully free of charge);
- tool’s flexibility (a number of supported programming languages, browsers, platforms);
- parallel testing (for QTP, it is only possible with the Quality Center usage).