Creating automated test scripts of high complexity level, the specialists use certain tools which may significantly simplify this process. In order to check and confirm their skills and knowledge, the testers pass the specified exams and gain internationally recognized certifications.
QTP Certification HPO-M98 is one of such examinations. Its aim - approving the scripts creation skills of a high complexity with QuickTest Professional 11 usage.
What are key aspects of the exam?
- Working on the basis of productivity
- Searching and removing the errors
- Installing Quality Center from HP
- ALM backgrounds: release, requirements, test plans
- Updating the previous versions
- Admin settings configuration
- ALM reporting tools
- Using the pattern projects
- Implementing the ALM practices
- HP sprinter aspects, etc.
The specialists who perform automated software testing, web checking, system and testing of mobile applications and systems or desktop testing should be well acquainted with all nuances and details of the product which they check, as well as the tools which are used for this.
The price of the exam is rather high, it is 1500$. For successful completion, one should answer 100 questions in 180 minutes and gain at least 70% of correct answers. Among the examination tasks, there are the test questions and tasks which should be done.
At the beginning, one should register on the HP website and gain a special ID with which help the candidate creates his profile on the Pearson VUE website. The exam’s date and registration number for passing will be sent via email. Software testing company always encourages the examination of such kind.