QTP Certificate: HPO-M47

QTP Certificate: HPO-M47

Performing automated testing, the specialists often use such a tool as QTP (QuickTest), developed by the HP company. There are special examinations that can confirm the mastery of this tool.

QTP exam is designed for testers, test automation engineers, IT specialists, technical staff that implement, create, run and modify the auto tests and also analyze the test run with HP Functional Testing 11.x.

To be qualified HP Functional Testing 11.x specialist, it is necessary to pass the HPO-M47 examination. There are not any defined requirements for the candidates who are going to pass this exam.

 What are HPO-M47 peculiarities?

  • The exam consists of 67 questions of different types: tests and drap&drop.
  • The duration time of the exam is 105 minutes.
  • To pass the exam, it is necessary to get 74% of correct answers.
  • The examination price depends on the location and region and is around $ 200.
  • The exam takes place via PearsonVUE, a testing center.


The successful passing of this exam requires good skills of conduction various testing types – web checking, desktop apps testing, mobile systems testing.

The course consists of:

  • 12% - definitions, concepts and management tools,
  • 11% - concepts, architecture and components of ALM (Application Lifecycle Management),
  • 11% - practice, concepts and features of errors tracking,
  • 11% - reports creating and data management,
  • 10% - test case planning and execution,
  • 10% - project customization,
  • 9% - requirements implementation and management,
  • 6% - basic notions and operation of HP sprinter,
  • 6% - test plan designing,
  • 4% - ALM integration and extension, etc.

Such a field as software testing (including game testing) requires profound knowledge and being well-aware with the peculiarities of one or another programs and tools.