Python: Beginning

Python: Beginning

Python is a subject-oriented programming language. It was created by the Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum in 1989. This language was designed for the rapid prototyping process of the complex applications.

The Python language is used by many big companies, such as YouTube, Nasa, Google, BitTorrent, and others. Mainly, it is applied for:

  • video games creation,
  • artificial intelligence algorithm,
  • development of diverse special programs (for example, static models).


The Python programming language is characterized by the range of peculiarities. Performing software product testing, the specialists base the checking process on the characteristics of the product development language. In this case, one can thoroughly think over functional testing, security control, performance testing, stress checking, system testing, unit testing, and so on.

What Is Python Specifics?

  • The syntax is very simple for perception. Also, the language supports different data types.
  • This is an independent scripting language with the full access to the operating system API.
  • The module on Python may include one or more classes and free functions.
  • In comparison with MacIntosh, Windows, and Linux, the libraries in Python are cross-platform.
  • When creating big applications, Python may be compiled with the bytecode.
  • The language maintains functional and structured programming, as well as object-oriented one.
  • An interactive mode is supported by Python. This mode presupposes interactive testing and code fragment debugging.

The formatting, debugging and test process is fulfilled rather quickly as the compilation step is not applicable for Python. Also, this programming language may be enhanced with the help of C and C++.