The testers often believe that their professionalism directly depends on the quantity and severity of the errors which they detect. But developers and program managers do not consider this strategy successful.
For them, such behavior is not the product quality improvement, in contrast – this is considered to be a rather distractive and not always effective approach.
Sometimes it happens conversely – the software testing company insists that the strategy, concentrated on the severe errors and incidents provoking, is quite acceptable. In these cases, the company even encourages its employees, discovering the biggest quantity of the serious incidents.
The software product being under the test process takes one of the last and most important steps of its life-cycle. After any type of testing, whether it is mobile testing, desktop application testing or web application testing, any detected bug should be fixed.
But if the tester tries to execute the unscheduled stress testing and provoke the error through the way which ordinary user never would guess, this can lead to the additional unnecessary work. In this case, the clients and developers, undoubtedly, find such procedures ineffective.
What Are the Disadvantages of Such “Provocative” Manner of Testing?
- Possible project delay;
- Other important functional system defects remain unnoticed;
- Clients’ dissatisfaction.
Independent validation and verification are of great importance for any software product, so in order to prevent all these unpleasant consequences, the testing team should pay attention not only to the quantity of the detected critical errors but also think as the end user. Thus, it should primarily test the functional which will be applied by the ordinary users.