In most cases, the Perl language is used for the web product development. The point is, the information on the web pages is mostly represented in the text form, and Perl is a very good tool for text material processing.
Perl - the best language for working with files, text processing, and input data description. Besides this, it is absolutely free.
What Are Perl Advantages?
- In comparison with other programming languages, Perl is the most effective for parsing and text processing.
- This is an interpreted language with fast run-time. The compiler is not required for the Perl scripts.
- Perl - simple and clear for perceiving and programming.
- It is object-oriented.
- The Perl coding process simplifies an extensive resources archive network.
- It is used in web development mainly for payment services.
- Perl is utilized in automation and for checking the network aspects and data storing.
But, despite all pluses, there are still some disadvantages of using the Perl programming language.
What Are Perl Minuses?
- When compared with other languages, Perl has minimum GUI (graphic user interface) support.
- One should address the complex library modules which are rather hard to deal with.
- In order to better understand complex patterns, some experience is required.
QA specialists need to know working and functioning peculiarities of the Perl language for execution the various web systems checking (security testing, load checking, functional testing, compatibility control, cross-browser testing, unit testing, usability testing) whether it is automated checking or manual one.