Performance Testing: Practical Advice

Performance Testing: Practical Advice

The quality of the developed products is checked by software testing company with the help of diverse techniques and methodologies to control the system and application functioning.

The specialists execute full functional testing, security checking, usability testing, and so on. But some quality control methodologies may cause difficulties and make the testers feel hopeless and confused.

Frequently, performance testing and load testing may become a real challenge for a specialist. Everything depends on the system complexity, functioning peculiarities, and client’s requirements.

In such cases, an experience of other testing types execution, such as functional testing and automated testing, may help a specialist to cope with the set task.


Recommendations for Successful Performance Testing:

  • In most cases, the performance challenges are connected with software, not with hardware. Thus, one should pay attention exactly to the possible weak point of software.
  • Developers possess information, needed for the testers to fulfill an accurate performance testing. One should not be afraid of asking and considering not so clear moments.
  • One should completely examine the product and its specifics, and be ready to find the way out from the dozens of the unexpected and unforeseen situations.
  • It is necessary to create test scripts gradually, one by one as there is a probability that the application or system may be slightly modified.
  • One may use some testing tools (load generator, load cashing and balance tools). Such tools help qualitatively perform checking but one should not overdo with their using.
  • The performance testing results should be formed in the available and clear form and be passed to the colleagues and client.

The aforesaid pieces of advice will help testers to avoid the plenty of unnecessary errors.