The application performance plays a very great part of the product success on the market and its popularity among the end users. The modern programs and applications should withstand high loads.
As during the period of Christmas holidays, users massively buy all and sundry in online stores, and suddenly the application has crashed. To avoid this situation, performance testing as well as load control is executed, stress tests are launched, and volume testing is conducted.
Performing mobile application testing, the specialists firstly start the most fundamental tests in order to check the working correctness of the main system functionality.
What are the main scenarios of performance checking?
- Testing the operating capacity of the system under different load levels.
- Defining whether the current network coverage is able to support the app under different user levels (peak, medium, and minimal).
- Checking whether the client-server configuration is able to ensure an optimal performance level.
- Identification of the system weak points which may prevent the app operation at a certain acceptance level.
- Validating time of the system reaction, according to the existing requirements.
- Evaluating the product in accordance with its capacity to process definite load volume.
- Testing system operation under a change of the network connection type (2G,3G, WIFI).
Also, one should not forget about the working peculiarities of the battery - whether the battery is able to maintain the application operation under the high load level. It is necessary to test the application operation in motion - in the car, subway, when walking or running, and so on.