Mobile applications have become an inherent part of every person’s life. Therefore, a software testing company takes care of users by controlling the application work on the development stage.
It would be ideal if the application for the mobile device corresponds to the necessities and met all user’s wishes. Thus, all peculiarities of the modern user behavior for the appropriate work are learned and analyzed.
And different types of application testing, including configuration testing, usability testing, acceptance testing, and others, promote bug-free application development and drive up demand for it.
Three Keystones of Mobile Application Testing Are:
- functionality (functional testing prevents the user’s meeting with the variety of bugs);
- performance (in this case, performance testing should be mentioned);
- security (for this occasion, a tester has security testing).
But several additional conditions of the application usage should not be forgotten. It is important to take into account the link types (Wi-Fi, 3G, and 4G) and the coverage quality. Utilizing an application, a user can move between the zones with different signal strengths. This fact should also be considered under the product development.
It often happens that during the application usage someone calls the user or he gets some kind of notification. How will the application behave in this situation? And what will be the consequences? Will the data be stored or everything should be started from the very beginning?
Mobile application testing gives the answers to all these questions before the application deployment. Inexplicably, security testing is not paid the appropriate attention to. The users underestimate the importance of data that is used in the application. Security in the first place!