Some testers, performing functional testing, are sure that this type of testing is also accessibility testing. But these software quality control types are far away from identic.
Software testing ensures an entry to the market of only top-quality products which are bug-free. The purpose of each type or checking is the satisfaction of all end users’ needs and wishes.
In the last time, the vast majority of users prefer mobile devices for the information searching. It is more comfortable to read news and books from the mobile phone screen. In this view, mobile testing gathers speed.
Software testing company considers this fact in its work and does its best to all users be satisfied with the product activity. The users with some dysfunctions were also not neglected. The developers and testers created the products which can be easier used by people with special needs.
Accessibility Principle Considers the Wishes of Such Users as:
- color-blind person (the male representatives who do not distinguish the colors);
- partially sighted (people for who it will not be comfortable to use a small screen);
- people with such cognitive dysfunction as dyslexia (the difficulties while reading, writing, and information perception);
- people with the fingers and hands dysmotility (arthritis);
- blind users.
The things are worse if a user has several of the above-mentioned dysfunctions. This is a real test as for developers, as for the testers’ team. But IT sphere specialists still work for the good of every person and consider all possible variants and ways of the situations development.
Conducting usability testing, the testers also apply the accessibility principle.