As the iOS-based products become more and more popular, the software vendors pay special attention to the quality of such products in order the end users not to select the competitor’s application.
For more performance and real feedback, some companies conduct beta testing which is executed by the direct users of the product under development. Rather often, the testers start their career just from beta checking. This may be game testing or mobile application checking.
Such checking approach is really very efficient as the users themselves will report the errors which they discovered, performing functional testing, UI checking, usability testing, and so on. As it is manual testing, everyone can become a beta tester.
But one should not forget that in some cases (interface, design or usability aspects), the opinions may significantly vary. The feedback will not be absolutely objective.
Beta testing is integration testing with real data in order to gain and analyze the end users feedback.
What are the types of beta testing?
- Before passing the product to the testers’ hands, it is necessary to make sure that it really works.
- Due to certain services, one may find beta testers. One should also collect devices ID which are engaged in testing.
- The creation of special distribution allows testers to launch applications on devices without Xcode usage. For this, it is necessary to create distribution certificates and provisioning profiles.
- Then the test results analysis is performed. Beta testers send a bug report to the client. After the product release and beta checking, one may get acquainted with the reports via iTunes.