How to Provide Sufficient Test Platform Coverage?

In order to make testing activities more efficient one has to involve as many test platform configurations as possible in web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing.

But it is unfeasible to test a software product on all the existing platform combinations. That is why different approaches to test platform selection were developed.

Sometimes it is sufficient to test the program on one or several platforms, but there are projects, requiring the tests to be run on numerous devices, platform combinations and in different locations.


It may be impossible to provide the necessary test environments and test platforms in the lab. One of approaches to test platform selection allows increasing variety of test platforms and environments.

The Ways of Increasing the Number of Test Devices and Platform Configurations Are:

  • to work with devices remotely, this way some works of functional testing can be done;
  • to utilize crowdsourcing service that engages in mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing people with different platforms from different parts of the world;
  • to ask friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues to test the software product for you.

A software testing company can confirm that these approaches are fruitful and they can assure the needed platform coverage for most of projects.