Frequently, a software testing company hires specialists with different skills, interests, outlooks, and lifestyle. All people are different and not alike.
A variety is only welcome in the software testing sphere. But how is it possible to form a team which consists of absolutely different people, every with his own preferences and interests?
In the ideal world, each tester deals only with what he is fond of and loves. For example, mobile testing is executed by a great lover of various mobile devices. Game testing is just aimed at the gamer and documentation testing – to the avid philologist.
But in the real-world, a manager assigns tasks, despite the specialists’ preferences. He follows the available time and free testers. The development of skills and knowledge of different areas is very useful for the specialist. Thus, it is even a plus.
Software testing presupposes the knowledge and practical experience sharing with the specialists of other IT-sphere fields or with less experienced colleagues. This will help to produce a respectful attitude towards testing and open yourself to many new facts about other directions.
But, unfortunately, it happens that a tester does not fit the team at all and does not want to make advances to the colleagues. Managers often face such non-team players.
What to Do if the Specialist Does not Fit the Team?
- If there are several teams in the company, then, possibly, such a specialist will better fit another one.
- It is recommended to apply the general command testing principle.
- It is important to allow easy access to the product information for all testers. The more a person feels that he is trusted, the more enthusiasm he will show.