Dozens of various checking types (such as functional testing, security checking, performance testing, and so on) are fulfilled with the one purpose – to create a perfect product.
But who determines the “perfection” level of the developed system? Software testing company in its staff has a set of different specialists which perform their certain tasks.
But which ones give the green light to the product delivery to the end users? Project manager, client or tester? And what if each of them has his own opinion about the system quality at this stage of the development? It is not an easy thing to change someone’s mind in something. And what to do then?
Preferably, to specify the characteristics and set the parameters of the really qualitative product which may be confidently called perfect.
What Are the Qualities of the Product “Perfection”?
- The users’ satisfaction
- Security
- All necessary features presence
- The functionality logic
- Operating speed
- Usability
- Price
All listed items should be discussed by the whole team before the beginning of the direct work on the project. With regard to the discussion results, a team may develop the creation strategy of the qualitative product.
Unfortunately, some teams start clarifying and detailing the system quality parameters only before the test stage. But it is a little bit late for this. Although even in this case, it is quite possible to develop the actions plan for the almost “perfect” product creation.
Mobile testing, web application testing, and desktop testing should be executed at the very high level in order to gain the smallest number of the lowest priority bugs detection after the product release.
Certainly, the ideal software development may be an unachievable goal but why one should not even try to achieve it after all?