14 October 2016
To manage the databases, the special systems are required – DBMS (Database Management System). They help to easily manage, correct and enter data into the system. It has been a long time since the first databases were created, and some kind of evolution of the DBMS development occurred during this period.
What Are the Main Stages of DBMS Development?
- Navigation systems
- Relational SQL-systems
- Object-oriented systems
Based on these development stages, one may highlight four domain types of such systems. Permanently, software testing company and software house use all these types of the Database Management Systems.
What Are the Main DBSM Types?
- Hierarchical systems – describe data in the ‘parent-child’ interrelation; today is rarely used; has a tree-like structure. Windows system registry is an example of such system.
- Network systems – support ‘many-to-many’ interrelation; their structure is rather complex, for instance, server.
- Relational systems – data and their interrelations are presented in the form of table; do not maintain ‘many-to-many’ interrelation; are the most widespread systems on the market. It includes SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL.
- Object-oriented systems – support the function of data storage of the new types in the form of the objects. Each this type has the certain attributes and methods which demonstrate what exactly can be done with these data. PostgreSQL is an example of such system.
Fulfilling desktop application testing, mobile application and program checking, software product testing or web application testing, the specialists use databases and different system types for their managing.