Regression testing, system testing, manual testing, integration testing and performance testing ensure the qualitative software work without any crash and error.
But the product success depends not only on the qualitative system checking but also on the further way of its promotion. For the well-executed project, which is developed and tested with the accordance of all client’s requirements, a well thought-out business plan is of great importance.
Software testing company never forgets about business process-based testing. This type of testing includes the work of subject matter experts and test automation engineers. Each of them performs the specified prescribed functions during business processes checking.
The Responsibilities of Subject Matter Specialists:
- determination of the key elements;
- combination of these elements to the test plans;
- control over business process checking.
The subject matter experts are acquainted with everything that relates the application components under test. Besides this, they are informed about the business processes which should also be tested. The subject matter specialists do not need to have special knowledge in programming in order to prepare the automated tests.
In order to create tests necessary for the business processes checking, the QA specialists use the elements and data from the test plans.
The Responsibilities of Test Automation Engineers:
- determination of tools and parameters with the help of express-tests;
- creation of the business object repository;
- defects detection and fixing.
Test automation engineers, undoubtedly, possess the deep knowledge in testing. Automated testing – their main field of activity. They are familiar with many peculiarities and details regarding this type of software testing.
In other words, business process-based testing ensures the collaboration between the subject matter specialists of the QA department (without technical preparation) and the test automation engineers which work in the sphere of express-testing.