Besides Bugzilla, software testing company often uses such top bug trackers as Mantis, Redmine, and Trac. Everything depends on the specialist preference and the internal company rules.
Mantis is a web system for bugs tracking. With the help of this system, one may work with the different databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, and so on. This is possible because the program is written with the help of PHP.
Mantis ensures an effective interaction between the users. Besides this, due to the notification system all development process members are always aware of everything happened during testing.
What Are the Main Mantis Qualities?
- The system provides an anonymous access and also different levels of the information accessibility for certain users.
- The bug tracker is supported by the mobile devices.
- The notification function through the email is available.
- The user may adapt the pages to his own requirements (personalization).
Redmine is written in Ruby on Rails. The system supports various databases and platforms. Also, the bug tracker is available in different languages. Redmine – a rather flexible system of the project administration system.
What Are Redmine Advantages?
- Access managing on the basis of the user role.
- Time tracking function.
- Documentation and news management.
- Projects and subprojects support.
- Settings fields.
- Notification system.
Trac is developed by Edgewall Software. This bug tracker is written in the Python language. This is the cross-platform system. Trac differs by a very simple interface.
Software testing cannot be executed without the error tracking system. Whether it is mobile testing (including mobile programs and applications checking), desktop testing or web application testing, the bug tracker will be its inherent part.