Many people believe or want to believe in the existence of the ideal world, where everything is in the right place and something necessary is always on hand. But, unfortunately, this is only dreams and wishes.
Software testing company dreams of the ideal world. It will be a real Elysium for testers. Performing mobile testing or desktop testing, the specialists often face the problem of the absence of the necessary for the work documentation.
In some cases, the processes are inaccurately or too shortly documented. This significantly complicates the software testing process.
What Is Problem Documentation?
- The lack of the documentation of the key aspects of the system work. For instance, executing performance testing or usability testing, the specialist receives an error message. But this situation and the further actions are not documented. As a result, it is difficult for a tester to define whether it is a bug or not.
- The requirements contain the contradictory assertions which cannot be fulfilled simultaneously.
- The documentation involves the poor amount of information. A tester cannot fully clear up for himself the consequences of the operations due to the lack of the key details.
- The requirements include the equivocal statements. The specialists can interpret such documentation and execute the actions differently.
The project with the problem documentation will not necessary be of poor quality. There are several variants of the way out. For the achievement of the necessary information, the testers may use some alternative methods.
What to Do in Lack of the Necessary Documentation?
- To use the first-hand experience and the common knowledge.
- The layouts and HTML code will help to better understand the visual part of the software.
- During the meetings and discussions, the testers should ask questions concerning the missing and problem aspects.
- Collaboration between the members of the whole software development lifecycle – an important component of the successful and well-timed release.