Sometimes A/B testing is called split testing. The essence of this checking is to define what exact version of two web pages works better - on what page conversion will be higher.
The point is that web pages are created with a certain aim, for example:
- commercial websites are focused on selling the visitors their products;
- the SaaS applications aim (Software as a service) - to promote the free trial subscription with the further service purchases;
- new and media portals encourage clicking adds and paid subscription.
The fact is to convert the visitors into something more. The more conversion rate is, the better it is for the business website. Thus, the website creators do their best in order to increase the rate.
Conducting web application testing, QA specialists pay little attention to A/B testing because it mostly relates to SEO optimization. Executing this checking type, the specialists may test performance of any page element.
What May Be Checked With the Help of A/B Tests?
- Headers
- Subtitles
- Text design
- Images
- Buttons (color, size, shape)
- Elements arrangement on the page
- Media reference
- Links
- Reviews, and so on.
In other words, A/B testing is an effective way of defining the best promo and marketing strategies for business of various kinds.
After all, it should not be forgotten that security testing, load checking, functional testing, UI checking, and performance testing play the crucial role too. Few people will pay attention to the color or shape of a certain button if it is not active.