Hello from QATestLab!
Here we are to tell you about the current situation in Ukraine and how our R&D centers operate there.
The third month of russian military aggression goes at the moment. Most of the activities are concentrated in the southeast of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully continue defending our land. There is considerable evidence that the enemy is demoralized, hands over, and runs away. We are optimistic about victory.
Despite hard times, Ukrainians are back to work, and thousands of businesses renewed their activities and adjusted to the new reality. Shops, restaurants, government offices, IT companies, and many others are now at the front, at the economic one.
We are among those who help our country too. QATestLab is working, continues to provide its services, and becomes more effective every day.
As for the main challenges and achievements of our team during these 2 months, we want to tell about the following:
- 95% of our projects renewed their work. We receive great support from our clients;
- we stopped cooperation with russian and belarusian projects;
- we started 25 new projects and have tens of negotiations at the moment;
- our company helped 41 our employees to relocate from occupied regions to safe places;
- we have organized a new working environment in the Central and Western parts of Ukraine, actively developing our R&D centers in Cyprus and Kenya. Moreover, we have opened new offices in Poland and France;
- we give more working places and have already recruited tens of new employees;
- our Training Center continues working and helps people obtain a new specialty in such circumstances.
We are incredibly thankful for the support of the whole democratic world and believe that together we will become stronger than ever.
If you would like to join and make your impact in gaining a peaceful future for Ukraine, here are some proven official funds and initiatives:
- The special account of the National Bank of Ukraine to collect humanitarian aid to Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-rahunok-dlya-gumanitarnoyi-dopomogi-ukrayintsyam-postrajdalim-vid-rosiyskoyi-agresiyi
- The Ukrainian non-profit organization “Voices of Children” working for the safety and psychological health of children affected by the war: https://voices.org.ua/en/
- «Happy Paw» – Charity Foundation, which cares about the fate of homeless cats and dogs: https://happypaw.ua/en/contribution.
And another thing you can do is to help the Ukrainian economy by working with Ukrainian teams, like ours. Because the army wins battles, but the strong economy wins the war.
Thank you for staying with us during these times.
Let's stay strong together!