QATestLab Game Testers Attended Casual Connect Eastern Europe 2014

Every year Casual Games Association, an international trade association involved in the field of casual games, holds conferences dedicated to modern video games all over the world.

QATestLab is among the best in game testing, and our game testing department knows how fast this branch of IT is developing.

Day by day video games become more and more exciting and live, and the game technology becomes more and more complex and sophisticated. It is necessary and interesting to share the experience and keep up with the latest innovations in this field.

So, our game testing department decided to delegate its representatives to Casual Connect that took place in Belgrade, Serbia, on November 10 – 12, 2014.

The lecturers and topics of the lectures were carefully selected by the team of advisors, who are acknowledged professionals in game testing industry.

Among them are Arseny Lebedev, co-Founder of Signus Labs; Vladimir Funtikov, the CEO and co-founder of Creative Mobile; Neal Sinno, the SVP of business development and strategy for Optimatic Media, Inc.; Tatyana Chernova, an advisor for several IT-projects in the USA, and Israel; Julie Stepuro, senior marketing manager of Wargaming PLC and others.

All the lectures were topical, gave new perspectives of various problems and much new information about video game industry.

Our Representatives Liked Most of All These Lectures:

  • Cross-Platform Growth and Monetization by Bob Slinn, the head of gaming partnerships for EMEA at Facebook;
  • Fast Failure: Risk Management in Game Development by Vladimir Funtikov, the CEO and co-founder of Creative Mobile;
  • Creating Games for Kids - Building Your Community from the Ground Up by Taras Leskiv, Lead Programmer of Nravo Kids.

Our game testers were happy to attend the event. They learned a lot of interesting novelties, ideas and tendencies in the field of modern video games. Casual Connect also gave them the opportunity to communicate with famous game developers, producers, testers and other specialists involved in creating of modern computer games from all parts of the world.