What Requirements aren’t Appropriate for a Junior Tester Position?

Any software testing company would be glad to hire professional testers, but there are always few of them at the employment market.

That is why it became a common practice for software testing institutions to hire young people, who want to become experts in mobile testing, desktop testing, web site testing, teach them and this way grow their own professional testers.

But often there are difficulties with hiring even junior testers. Among the main reasons of it are overstated requirements to the candidates, they prevent potential novice testers from applying to positions of junior testers.


Requirements That Shouldn’t be in Description of a Junior Tester Vacancy:

  • experience in manual and  automated testing; as a rule, junior testers don’t have the experience; otherwise they would be professional testers;
  • command of various instruments utilized in course of load testing, functional testing, security testing and so on; educational establishments do not give such knowledge, it will be necessary to teach junior testers how to work with the required instruments;
  • certificates in software testing; they can be a plus, but shouldn’t be a compulsory demand for a junior tester;
  • master degree in computer science; as a matter of fact, a good tester can have higher education in any field, it doesn’t have to be computer science.