What is the Difference Between Static Software Testing and Dynamic Software Testing?

Static Software Testing

During static software testing a software testing company checks visually and automatically processes program code. Static processors are essential tools for testers.

They include such graphics processors as print output programs, cross reference checkers, compilers, discrete event emulators, cyclomatic complexity counters, static control programs, branches printing program and others. While conducting expert evaluation, evaluation of projects some of the processes are carried out manually.

It is better to find software bugs before or at the moment they appear in the software. Dynamic spell checker in a word processor helps to detect and correct errors.

This program searches for lines with text that is not in the dictionary and replaces their content by words from the dictionary with similar spelling or highlights them and you can change them. Static testing software is used during the entire software development process, but it is most useful before the creation of the program code.

Methods of static testing are used while desktop testing, web site testing, mobile application testing.

Dynamic Software Testing

This type of software testing is used at the final phases of software development. During dynamic testing a tester takes the place of a user and detects defects in the work of software. Testers input different data and examine differences in the received output data, watch the computer performance. Basing on the results testers conclude readiness of the software.

During compatibility testing the same tests are performed on different computer platforms on a series of configurations.

While dynamic testing one must take into account such factors as proper functionality of the equipment, efficient and proper tuning of the operating systems, compilers, and many others. Any of these factors can cause the appearance of software bugs that are to be detected during the testing.

Some programs are designed to work with many users for different purposes. To test multi-user software carefully designed testing plan, proper organization and installation of terminals, the original structure of files, communication channels, and the organization of the work of several testers are required.

Dynamic testing is always used while desktop testing, web site testing, mobile application testing.