Although these languages are tightly connected with each other, still they have their own peculiarities and characteristics. To begin with, PL/SQL is a procedural language and SQL - not, generally, it cannot be classified as the programming languages.
The PL/SQL language is not object-oriented, despite the fact that it possesses the certain services for working with the database objects. It maintains the standard interfaces to work with the high-order assembly language.
What Are the Differences Between SQL and PL/SQL?
- SQL is used for performing the DML and DDL operations. This is a single query, and PL/SQL - the code’s block which is utilized for writing the whole program blocks, procedures, functions, and so on.
- SQL mainly defines what should be done, not how. PL/SQL is a procedural language and it specifies how everything will be performed.
- SQL operates as a certain instruction and PL/SQL - as an entire block.
- PL/SQL is used for creating applications and SQL - for the data manipulations.
- SQL interacts with the database server and PL/SQL - not.
- As PL/SQL is an extension to SQL, then it contains SQL too. In its turn, SQL cannot include PL/SQL code.
Knowing the difference between these languages will assist QA specialists to understand all working specifics of the databases that will simplify for them e-commerce testing, web checking, banking application testing, and etc., whether it is manual testing or automation, anyhow software testing requires knowledge of all areas of the IT sphere.