Why Should Regression Testing and Smoke Testing Be Executed?

Why Should Regression Testing and Smoke Testing Be Executed?

Sometimes the software developers have limitations of a budget and time for the entry to the market but they know that the checking of quality requirements conformance is obligatory for the system.

Otherwise, this can lead to the bigger losses. For such situations, when the maintaining of all the range of software testing services, is impossible due to several circumstances, as a rule, a minimal package is offered which includes regression and smoke testing. 

Smoke testing has something in common with such type of quality assurance as functional testing because of their purposes uniformity. It is a short test cycle which is conducted for the confirmation that after the code writing (new or updated) the software works in a proper way and performs the main functions.

Regression testing is aimed to check the changes after the detection and fixation of the bugs in the application or the environment, in order to make sure whether the current functional works as earlier and some unexpected negative consequences are discovered.

The General Peculiarities of Smoke and Regression Testing:

  • Manual testing and automated testing – more correctly, some elements of these types of quality assurance – can be engaged in both cases.
  • Smoke testing does not require huge financial and time expenditures, as the tests are executed only for the basic functional without entering into details. Regression testing also is economic because of it simply rechecks the errors, fixed in the system.
  • Smoke and regression testing are performed with the usage of the scenarios.

Therefore, software testing should be an obligatory stage for the software product before its release and even if the resources are rather limited, the client always may use the package consisted of smoke and regression testing which will help to make sure that the main functions of the system work correctly.